This was a writing exercise that follows my other short story, “Gab with the Buddha”

“Sir, I think you better see this,” Ensign Roe said, handing him a report.

“What’s the bruhaha, Ensign? I was just about to go to lunch.” Colonel Smythe hated reports right before his shift ended.

The ensign swallowed, his adam’s apple bobbing up and down under his collar. “It’s Simulation 00710, sir. There’s a Potentia flare alert. You, ah, said you wanted to be notified.”

“Thank you, Ensign,” he sighed, as his stomach growled. “Let’s see what going on.” He grabbed the lighted tablet. “These flares have been happening more and more. Interesting. Well, keep me posted, son. This seems like a small one, no need to get too excited.”

Colonel Smythe handed the tablet back and was about to leave the bridge for Six Aft and his afternoon meal when Ensign Roe stuffed the tablet under his arm and started walking with him.

“Can I ask why you need these Potentia alerts, sir? Most of them are small and don’t affect the simulation in a significant way. Simulation staff can notify you about the more extreme flares and monitor all else as needed.” He struggled to keep pace with the Colonel, who regardless of his rotund size, walked like gravity didn’t dare impede his desire to get from point A to B.

“Ensign, the order stands. All Potentia flares are significant.”

“But sir, I don’t understand…”

As they rounded the corner into the ship’s mess hall, Colonel Smythe was immediately met by the Chef assigned to command officers. “Sir! I’ve had your Bongolian stew waiting. I’ll just make sure it’s the correct temperature and bring it right out.” He bowed slightly and turned back toward the kitchen.

Colonel Smythe grunted and made his way to his private table, next to a window showcasing millions of stars streaking through deepest space. “Ensign, have a seat. Can you tell me what Potentia flares are? What they signify, why we study them at all?”

Ensign Roe suddenly looked like a rabbit staring down the face of a shotgun. “Um…”

“Let me save us both some time. I’d like to eat my meal in peace.” The Colonel rubbed his chin. “Well, the short answer is, nobody really knows what Potentia is. As you know, there are 12 holo-simulations that we monitor. Simulation 00710 is what is known as a hell planet but what the Builders called ‘earth.’” A waiter came and set down a glass of iced tea. The ensign was ignored.

“A hell planet? That sounds dire,” Ensign Roe said.

“Each simulation was meticulously designed by the Builders, and each has a different purpose. Earth is perhaps not the most violent, but it’s the most devious. It has the whole spectrum of good and evil, rather than say, simulation 00714, which is a chaos world. Or simulation 00703, a world of peace, having no matter at all. A difficult world to interpret to be sure.

“But back to earth. Earth is the only simulation that expresses this phenomenon of Potentia, a state of vibration so high, that the individual expressing Potentia ceases to exist in the simulation at all. And that, Ensign, is significant.”

“Sir, the individual with this current flare continued to exist in spite of exhibiting Potentia. The report states that an earth female entered a small café, ordered a meal, made her selection, and returned to her seat. After eating, she departed.” Ensign Roe got a faraway look in his eye as he paused. “But the report did show a matter fluctuation in the simulator. The monitoring technician thought it might be an energy glitch in the matrix, and we are checking that out. There is no doubt this woman’s materiality altered, hence the alert.”

The colonel leaned forward. “This is why our jobs are so important. What happened to this earth woman? In a controlled environment, how could her simulated form alter, even in a minor way? Why does this only happen in the earth simulation? And finally, how does this inform the potential for our own evolution?”

A waiter politely set down a steaming bowl of Bongolian stew, its deep, earthy aroma making the ensign think of his own hollow stomach. He was just about to thank the colonel and head to his own lunch, synthesized and far less appealing, when the colonel dug his spoon into his bowl and continued.

“You know, earth’s Hindu mythology states that their universe goes through four great epochs, each of which is a complete cycle of cosmic creation and destruction. They call them yugas, and once the fourth yuga ends, the cycle resets and begins again. Currently, the earth is in Kali Yuga, the phase most riddled with despair and violence. Our scholars feel that those who reach a permanent state of Potentia are the seeds for the reset and the start of Satya Yuga, the first stage.” He shrugged. “I don’t know, but if we live long enough, we might find out!”

Ensign Roe lowered his voice. “Is it true, sir, that some of our earth scholars request to permanently enter Simulation 00710?”

Colonel Smythe jerked his head from his food. “Where did you hear that?”

“Ru-rumors in the academy, sir.” He swallowed convulsively.

“Ah, well, there have been a few. A very few. Some of them are so enthralled with Potentia, that they give up everything for the chance to experience it. But make no mistake, almost all of those end up insane or die within the first year. They just can’t handle the sensory overload.”

“But some do survive? Have any of them reached…?”

“Ensign, it’s time for you to let me have my lunch now. You are dismissed.”

“Yes, sir.”


It’s not enough… How could it be?
You gave me a taste, a drop of vanilla
Splashed across my lips.

I wanted more but you turned the bottle
Upside down and shook your head
Then walked away from that look in my eyes.

Like a swimmer who suddenly finds herself
Far out to sea
I struck for shore, a flutter in my chest.

No lifeguard to rescue me, no stranger
On the beach to wink and say it will be ok
Just my heart and the memory of that taste.

I am calmed now, remembering that day
I didn’t make it, you know…
But my God! That water held me closer than I deserved.

(Thanks to OSI for the writing prompt, “Calmed”)


Reise nach Innen ~Journey inside

Chapter 1 (Updated 6/27/22)

It began the way most things do – with a stab to the heart. Dying that day
wasn’t on my agenda. Not to say I wasn’t depressed. Of course I was… Yet,
I’d somehow accepted that living small was safe. It was comfortable, familiar. It
kept my disappointments to a minimum. If I cried sometimes, randomly, well,
that was part of it. It was my life and I had no serious intentions of leaving

They said the attacker was lucky – a stab to the heart is hard to do. I knew
that because I heard the conversation of the crowd that had gathered around my
cooling body. Apparently, the ribs are a pretty good defense against things
seeking to pierce the heart. Evolution or God… Our bodies seem to have a
bit of wisdom when it comes to survival.

Floating above the circus of co-workers and rescue personnel, I noticed one
individual who seemed calmer than the rest. Joyful. There was something
soothing and grounded about him. I guess I glided over, because suddenly there
he was, staring at me with piercing green eyes. Gray wisps of hair seemed to
dance from his eyebrows and a crooked smile highlighted his somewhat crooked

“Fergal O’Hara,” he said as he tipped a flat tweed hat. “Nice
to meet you.”

Feeling a little off guard because in no way did my random after-death
musings ever lead me to consider anything Irish, I gaped. “Are you
here for me?”

“That’s right, my dear. Are you ready? We’ve got a nice warm body
waiting. I wanted to give you a chance to get used to your new state,
but…” He tilted his head. “You seem like a fast learner. Shall
we go?”

Me a quick learner? The most I’d done since finishing community college was
tread water in a job way below my abilities but that paid the rent. Barely. I
was the 40-something living in McLoser Villas and sliding into Prozac and
YouTube videos of rescued puppies.

As a medical receptionist at a podiatry office, I aspired to showing up. I
had a quote from The Office TV show taped on the bottom of my stapler that
pretty much summed up my feelings to a T. “I’ve always subscribed to the idea
that if you really want to impress your boss, you go in there and you do
mediocre work, halfheartedly.” Thanks, Jim. You get it.

In fact, the most exciting thing to happen at work was dying in front of it.
Apparently, my employer’s wife thought I was “the tart” who was banging her husband,
Dr. Donald Dong (his real name, I kid you not). My auburn hair was the one
thing I had in common with Dr. Dong’s mistress according to a sobbing Mrs. Dong
as they dragged her away from me. Her rage refused to see the other details
that didn’t match and, well, there I lie on the cracked sidewalk in front of our
office’s smudged glass doors.

“What do you mean you have a nice warm body waiting? I just left a
perfectly functioning warm body… Don’t I attend some kind of after-death review?
Or get bathed in healing crystal energy or something?” I’d watched enough
B movies to figure that one out.

Fergal rubbed his jaw. “That’s not the way it works. At least for you. You’ve
got a different assignment that needs your immediate attention. Now my dear,
shall we see what it’s all about?”

Suddenly I felt cold. “Is there no going back?” I turned towards
my body. Sure it wasn’t perfect. There was a bit of a squishy middle, my roots
were growing out (why couldn’t I have died with fresh highlights?!), and yeah, my
love life was a work in progress (I had just signed up on Kill me
now. Oh wait…), but it was my life. I wasn’t done, not by a long shot.

Just the thought of starting over again was overwhelming. “I’m not
ready for a new life! I’m just getting it together in this one!”

“Darlin,” he said as he leaned close to me, “You want the
antidote to your life? A way to fill the hole gaping in your chest? Do
you even see the metaphor of your death?”

He had me there. Even I had to admit that I’d lost my way and was going
nowhere fast. Hence the depression and a freezer full of Chunky Monkey ice
cream. When I was young, I had dreams. I wanted to study medicine. Or be an
elementary school teacher. Or even a philosopher. Everything seemed so
exciting. Instead, I somehow found myself working in a run-down office with posters
of bunions, hammertoes, and ingrown toenails.

Yeah, I wasn’t setting the world on fire this go ‘round. “Okay, Fergal.
I’m willing…”

“That’s all that’s required.” He gave me that crooked smile again
and something in me relaxed. Death isn’t so bad I thought.

And then I felt a thousand volts coursing through my new body and the smell
of ozone.



(This is part of a new novel idea, using the writing prompt from Sunday Scribblings, “antidote.”)

Photo by Alice Popcorn


you are like a star part of the eternal perfection

Can there be anything sweeter than the kiss of a mind gone mad?
What magisty of noise and purpose!
Do you think God loves the crazies?

Those folks with hearts bigger than Texas and minds that have no idea what to do with them?
What about our bodies?
Do they forgive us our overindulgence, our stuffing down of pain?

Vows of suffering and poverty…
What place do they play in the soul’s evolution?
Can we chose again this lifetime?

Will we burn in hell?
Oh, those shackles of thought
…No story ever told is true

“Shackles” prompt courtesy of OSI

Photo courtesy of Alice Popkorn

Bad Bangs

I did it to myself

Followed the directions to a T.

Stepped into the shower and washed out all the goop.

Dripping, I entered a steamy world of white.

The mirror showed me nothing.  Not yet.  Too soon.

Rub, rub… oh the toes were a-tapping.  Time to peek?  Just a little one?


Grab the hair dryer… Point at the mirror… flip the switch and let it roar.

Oh… soon!  Soon the New Me!

Perfect circle forms on glass too revealing, too sharp.

I stand transfixed.

This cannot be…there must be some mistake!

My hair is strawberry-yellowy?  Incandecent orange?  WHAT THE HELL IS IT?

I grab clippers and feel the vibration in my hand as I ponder.

Bad bangs were the least of my problems.

I must stop doing this to myself.

And I will…

Right after I fix this.

Just this.

Thanks to OSI for the awesome prompt, Incandescent.


She felt her thighs quiver

Pushing her finger against her stomach an “Oh hoo hoo” escaped before she could stop it.

The Pillsbury Doughboy always had the last word.

And though she’d love to spend every last cent on fashion

She paused.

The quagmire was this:

Glossy images or better health?  Shoes or self-realization?

Biting her nails, feeling her heart skitter like Chie Mihara heels against a hardwood floor,

She made her decision and closed the laptop.

Was it thunder she heard in the background or perhaps, just maybe,

Her integrity?

(Thanks to OSI for the writing prompt, quagmire.)
(photo by SashaW)

Friday Night


Hugin´s friends

Can I bear the pain of pain?

Can I simply

Numbness – yet another dancing partner
Stepping on my toes, whispering sweet nothings

Empty things
Things on black wings
Smelling of
Cold sweat
And turpentine

Devi, your alter ego is devouring me

The feast is lasting long into the night

The Dark Mother has me in her grip

I am seduced

(photo by Alice Popkorn)

The “Talk”

“Pinch your cheeks, try not to smile too wide, and for God’s sake, don’t frown!”

“I don’t frown… do I?”

“And remember to arrive fashionably late, don’t just walk, sashay across the floor as if you own the place.”


“Now, this is important–try to look blasé. Nothing shouts, ‘Woman over 40 desperate to meet a man’ than a blatant scan of the room.”


“Now… let’s see… breath mints?”

“Yes siree. Got Altoids right here… they’ll put out a forest fire.”

“Extra pair of underpants?”


“Well, then, go get them! And not the grandma ones!”

“I’m sure that won’t be necessary… ”

“Toothpaste and travel brush?”


“Remember, this isn’t just another holiday, woman! It’s December, the single most depressing month of year for single men and women. This is YOUR month. YOUR time to shine. Let’s bring your sexy back, ok?”

“But what about, you know, the ‘reason for the season’ and all that? Jesus? Love? Sugar cookies sprinkled with hope?”

Blank look. “Right, right. That too. Now go out there and have some fun. Oh, and take this along…”

“A miniature bottle of brandy?!”

“What,  you expect to drink plain eggnog? Hell, woman, live dangerously.”

“You know, Grandpa, this is a church Christmas party I’m going to, right?”

“Semper Paratus, my dear girl, Semper Paratus.” He winked. “Always be prepared.”

(This was fun to write and was another minimalist experimentation with dialogue. I love playing with brevity! Thanks to Sunday Scribbling for the prompt of “December”)

Prompt: Curious

I’ve been drumming my nails about something for a long time now… I have a ton of writing books that back me up on this. The question is:  Can I write a book?

I’ve been very curious about NaNoWriMo for a quite a while. Until now, I’ve always missed the deadline. Well, I can’t use that excuse anymore! For those who don’t know:

NaNo in a Nutshell

What: Writing one 50,000-word novel from scratch in a month’s time.

Who: You! We can’t do this unless we have some other people trying it as well. Let’s write laughably awful yet lengthy prose together.

Why: The reasons are endless! To actively participate in one of our era’s most enchanting art forms! To write without having to obsess over quality. To be able to make obscure references to passages from our novels at parties. To be able to mock real novelists who dawdle on and on, taking far longer than 30 days to produce their work.

When: You can sign up anytime to add your name to the roster and browse the forums. Writing begins November 1. To be added to the official list of winners, you must reach the 50,000-word mark by November 30 at midnight. Once your novel has been verified by our web-based team of robotic word counters, the partying begins.

Where: You write wherever you’d like. On your computer, on your iPad, on a typewriter—anywhere is fine, just as long as you’re writing!

Has anyone tried this? I have some wild ideas racing around regarding plot – Granted I have no idea how to pull it off. Maybe that’s not the point. Maybe the point is to go balls to the wall and just put it out there.

It’s a little exciting. It’s a little scary. Damn. This sounds fun. 🙂

(Thanks to Sunday Scribblings for this writing prompt!)

The Hiatus is Over

I have explored the shadow, the inner realm of doubt and loss.  I have traversed into the Light, that sphere of loving free fall.  And in the end, I STILL need to write.  🙂

So, I’m back.  With lots of ideas and the desire to express them.  I’m going with simple writing prompts for now… A see bigger projects in the future, yet for now, I need to flex those typing fingers and just let it out.

More to come…

Your Erstwhile spiritual traveler and friend,

The Little Writer

Photo By Shayan (USA)